How to annoy colleagues remotely: 8 simple rules

With remote work, we face new challenges. Some colleagues cope with tasks perfectly, but there are also those who seem to have chosen the path of "subversives" of effective team work. Here are some "proven" methods of how you are guaranteed to annoy your colleagues while working remotely (just kiddinglaugh ):

1. Respond in the messenger to requests received by e-mail and vice versa.
If a colleague wrote to you by e-mail, reply in the messenger. And if you wrote to the messenger, be sure to send a reply to the mail. This will help create chaos and keep everyone on their toes.

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2. Send photos instead of screenshots.
Need to convey important information? Don't waste time on self-explanatory screenshots - send photos of your laptop or phone screen. And let the colleague try to figure out what is in the picture.

3. If you need a document from the general system, send a photo of its location.
Instead of forwarding the file you need, take a picture of where it is on the system. At the same time, be sure to complete points 1 and 2 — so your colleagues will definitely spend extra hours searching.

4. Hide important messages among trivial ones.
Sending something really important? Pack this message into a bunch of less meaningful ones so it's hard to find. For example: "Hello! How are you doing? What are you planning for the weekend? Oh, by the way, the contract must be signed by the end of the day."

5. Call for small things, and leave important things for correspondence.
Questions that can be easily solved in the chat? No, it's better to call. But serious matters - let them wait in the form of endless messages. Everyone will read them anyway, right?

6. Do not write the subject of the letter or use something like "Contract and invoice".
Why detail the email subject? Limit yourself to the short "contract" or "account" without specifying details such as the name of the counterparty, product or amount. Colleagues must learn to understand you between the lines.

7. Lawyers are always happy to draw up acts and invoices.
Despite their main duties, lawyers will definitely be happy to be asked to make deeds, invoices or even fill out a purchase application. This will give them variety in their working days.

8. Send letters on Friday evening marked "URGENT" and be sure to follow up with a phone call.
What better way to end the work week than to receive an urgent task letter on Friday night? For maximum effect, call immediately after sending the letter to make sure that your request will not go unnoticed.

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These simple rules will help you ensure a wave of "warm" feelings from colleagues and make your remote work truly unforgettable!

And without sarcasm, use Instadoc to improve team efficiency and better work with documents, and you will avoid all the above problems. Instadoc helps to quickly coordinate documents, automate their processing and ensure the coordinated work of your team.

Date of publication: 20.10.2024

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