Case - Bank

More than 100 branches

More than 400 employees


There are document templates (mainly the request was for credit agreements) that are available to employees of departments by name of credit products (no one except the administrators identified by the super admin (i.e., persons who make changes to the templates of agreements and additional agreements) can make changes to templates).

You can make changes to templates during the day (no waiting for post-operative time).

You can group templates and documents by product areas (corporate business, retail, etc. .).

The process of preparing a document with a client by a branch employee will look like this:

An employee on the page of the "Corporate Business" group entered into the search "Credit Line A", he was given all the document templates associated with this product.

The employee enters all the client’s data into the variable purple fields, which is filled in through the entire required package of documents (for example, a loan agreement and a guarantee agreement), and also marks the necessary options with “checkmarks” or by selecting “one of several,” that is, text document has variability.

After filling out all the fields, the employee presses the PDF button and the document in PDF format is sent to him or her or to a specific other email (or to the edo system for signature), which excludes making changes to the document.

Drafts are stored in a single register "all documents", we can download the archive or delete it if desired.

The process for a branch employee to prepare an additional agreement with a client will look like this:

An employee on the page of the "all documents" group of the "corporate business" group entered into the search "Yabloko LLC", and was given all the kernets of generated documents related to this product.

The employee enters changing data into the variable purple fields of the “additional agreement” of the document package template “Credit Line A”, checks the client’s data, changes them if necessary, the client’s data is filled in throughout the entire package of documents (i.e. when generating the following additional transactions, client data and other data (for example, collateral amount) will be updated.

After filling out all the fields, the employee presses the PDF button and the document in PDF format is sent to him or her or to a specific other email (or to the edo system for signature), which excludes making changes to the document.

Drafts are stored in a single register "all documents", we can download the archive or delete it if desired.

Problems this solution solves:

  1. the only place to store document templates;
  2. easy modification of templates by authorized admins;
  3. excluding typos;
  4. disabling changes to documents by branch employees;
  5. when generating additional transactions, it will be necessary to check the client’s data rather than entering it from scratch, which saves the team’s time on routine and improves the quality of document preparation;
  6. reducing the time from deciding on an agreement to signing agreement documents;
  7. employees can spend more time searching for new clients.

Case – Medical Clinic

The medical clinic is registered as 10 organizations that were not associated with ownership depending on the agreement of the founders.

100 employees sign documents with 10 organizations.

Corporate emails are used by only five employees involved in document processing.


Groups are formed according to the names of enterprises *Pediatrics LLC, Dentistry LLC, etc.

Each group has its own package of document templates. Employee."

Employee in his own account signed the application.

In the approval and signing menu, the accountant saw it. Employees are not added to the group and, accordingly, do not see each other’s documents.


Documents are signed on time instead of being delayed from days to months, minimizing the risks associated with not having a signed document in that time frame

If documents are sent by new mail, then at least 100 UAH are saved for sending from outside per person, and if you need to send documents to 100 employees, then this will be the amount of 10,000 UAH

The average salary of a person dealing with documents is 15-20,000 UAH. If this person does more efficient work, 70% of his time is freed up with the help of a document designer, you save 14,000 UAH per month, at a minimum, and avoid mistakes, and per year this will be about 168,000 UAH. You can multiply these figures yourself if you have more people handling the paperwork.

There is no risk of document loss, the cost of restoring a lost document is $300-400 per document


The quality of performing routine tasks is significantly increasing, typos are eliminated and, accordingly, the need to rework documents several times. What’s the point of looking for the guilty employee during approval, who did not notice the “typo”, when the task is essentially to draw up documents correctly, the emotional climate in the workplace will improve team

The speed of document processing is increasing, so there is time to explore new areas, including training, acquiring new skills, knowledge, or devoting time to increasing sales, which directly affects the amount of compensation

You can go back and view the text of a document even from a smartphone, so some simple tasks or stages of completing a task can be completed while reading the document in transport, and accordingly, time for fitness/training/personal matters does not need to be exchanged for time to complete work tasks

A person tends to enjoy order; the document designer makes it easier to put things in order and increases the coefficient of pleasure from work

Documents are stored in one place. Remember, do you have signed orders and statements that you signed during your career? Obviously, the photos on your phone are, at best, stored somewhere in the cloud, from which you can then find a photo of the desired document is simple, but not so fast


Who needs the functionality of team work with documents?

We offer convenient functionality for team work with documents. Simplify the work with documents for everyone related to the process of creating, agreeing and concluding an agreement. First of all, this service will be of interest to managers and managers of enterprises in any industry: real estate, education, insurance, personnel management , banking, finance, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, information technology, retail, manufacturing, transport, chemical and mining industries, renewable sources, marketing, sports, utilities, show business services, international trade, etc.

Where are draft document packages stored?

All documents are stored in secure cloud storage and are accessible only to the team or individuals, depending on the corporate account settings. Drafts of created document packages are stored in the "all documents" section

What functionality is there for team work in a corporate account on the Instadoc platform?

InstaDoc allows:

  • Create document templates with flexible access rights for different user groups in a corporate account.
  • Agree on documents both within the company and with counterparties. Create individual chains of approvals and send for signature using both the KEP of all ASSCs and a one-time identifier.
  • Create your own document categories.
  • Save documents to secure cloud storage.
When do changes to document templates occur?

Changes made to templates appear immediately after saving the edited template.

What is the best way to categorize document templates?

The InstaDoc system is flexible and allows you to customize it according to your own needs. For example, create names for document categories, which makes it easier to search for documents and organize them.

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