
Inform Letter: no movement or transfer of funds from Russia or any Russian sanctioned bank (eng), universal


Повне найменування (Eng.)

Адреса місцезнаходження (юридична адреса) (Eng.)


Date: Date of letter, (напр.:12.31.2021)📆



Subjected: Undertaking letter for no movement or transfer of funds to Повне найменування (Eng.) account from  any sanctioned  bank/region/country/entities.






Dear Sir/Madam,



This is inform your that, there will be movement or transfer of funds  from Russia or any Russian sanctioned bank will be routed through in Скорочене найменування (Eng.) account  as well we are not dealing with Russia,

And our company & associated company are not dealing with any sanctioned bank/region/country/entities,  we will not be going to have any such transaction into our Скорочене найменування (Eng.) account,


We have no business or business interest with the Ukrainian region of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Thanks for your extremely helpful attention to this matter.


Yours faithfully





ПІБ представника (Eng.)


Посада представника (Eng.)


Повне найменування (Eng.)

Date of update 23.02.2024 о 19:25:07


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An information letter for counterparties on the prohibition of receiving funds from Russian banks, organizations, and legal entities under sanctions and the absence of connections with such persons. The letter is usually used before signing contracts between counterparties.

Parties: legal entities (any jurisdiction).

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