The statistics on the suspension of registration of tax invoices are still disappointing.

The business has to sue and wait for months for a decision. But obtaining a court decision on the tax's obligation to register a tax invoice does not resolve the situation.

The tax is often in no hurry to enforce a court decision. And here are two news. First, sooner or later the court decision on the registration of the tax invoice will be executed, because it has entered into force. But secondly, Business does not always have time to wait for such a decision. And the problem here lies in the "suitability" of the tax invoice.
According to Article 198.6 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, if the tax invoice is not registered within 1095 days from the date of its preparation, the right to use the tax credit is lost.
Unfortunately, for a tax period of 1095 days, neither the appeal against the decision to block the tax invoice in court, nor the administrative appeal against such a decision. Therefore, it is necessary to understand clear mechanisms on how to quickly enforce a court decision, which is already required by the tax to register the tax invoice.

If you analyze in detail the problem of enforcement of court decisions on the registration of tax invoices, there are five ways to implement such a decision, which can be collected in the guide "How to enforce a court decision on the unblocking tax invoices."

Hyde will help to enforce the court decision on the registration of tax invoices:
✨ Business owners
✨ accountants, chief accountants
✨ and even lawyers

What's in the Guide?
📎5 ways to "force" the tax to enforce a court decision that has entered into force on the registration of PN (where, why, when and with what document to apply)
📎Document templates
for all five paths (statements, complaints, etc.) that can simply be filled in with your data and put to work.

You do not need to figure out where and how to apply, what are the deadlines for this and how exactly the relevant documents are drawn up.
Hyde has it all!

The guide "How to execute a court decision on unblocking tax invoices" was prepared by lawyer Krasnokutskaya Natalia (Instagram @advocate_knn, Facebook instaADVOCATE). The guide can be purchased at this link.

Also, the lawyer conducts legal advice:

in any messenger by phone +380969900861
on Instagram @advocate_knn or on Facebook instaADVOCATE
by e-mail [email protected]
To get the first free online consultation, subscribe to the lawyer's Instagram account @advocate_knn or like the lawyer Krasnokutskaya Natalia on Facebook instaADVOCATE.

Date of publication: 01.01.1970

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