Opening of LLC in Ukraine

A limited liability company is the most common form of business in Ukraine. The main advantage of the LLC is that the participants are responsible for the company's obligations only within the limits of their contribution to the authorized capital, and not with their own property . In addition, the legislation of Ukraine does not establish a minimum amount of authorized capital , which is both a plus and a minus, because on the one hand it helps budding entrepreneurs a lot, because at the start it is not necessary to spend large amounts of money on authorized capital, but on the other hand, due to the lack of of the minimum amount of authorized capital, a large number of "one-day firms" that engage in fraud are registered in Ukraine. Another advantage of the LLC is the possibility of variation with the tax system, namely the ability to choose between the simplified and general taxation system , that is, the LLC form is convenient for both small and large businesses. In addition, an LLC can be made with both a one-person and collegial management body.

Who can open an LLC? We can say with certainty that "everyone", it can be natural persons (citizens of Ukraine and foreigners") or even legal entities, for example, an LLC can be the founder of another LLC. As for the number of participants (founders), there are no restrictions either, it can be one or more

What documents are required when opening an LLC:

Documents are submitted personally by the founders to the registrar or it can be done by proxy .

The LLC is opened quickly, if all is well with the documents, then the registration procedure will take no more than one day . Unfortunately, the liquidation of the LLC is not so fast, because in addition to the preparation of the necessary documents, it is necessary to pass the checks of the governing bodies and transfer the documents to the archive.

If you are registering for the first time, we recommend that you consult a lawyer before starting to avoid obstacles in the future. Specialists of our company can help you with the issue of opening a company :

  • turnkey LLC registration, you only need to make power of attorney and notarized copies of passports;
  • support during LLC registration;
  • preparation of the draft of the necessary documents (protocol, charter, structure, application);
  • provision of oral consultations;
  • we will help you choose a tax system.

Therefore, we advise you to save your time and use the templates of our service or contact us for consultation, we will help you open a business in accordance with the current legislation and taking into account all your wishes.

  UAH 12,500 14500 hryvnias UAH 19,500
Consultation on choosing the type of company * * *
Company registration * * *
Creation of bilingual documents   * *
Legal address of the company (permanent)   * *
Assistance in opening a bank account     *
Assistance in obtaining a VAT payer's certificate     *
Customer support 9.00 - 17.00 * * *
24/7 customer support     *
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Templates that may be useful:

- Statute / Decision / Minutes / Structure for a newly formed company, Ukraine ;

- Protocol on making changes to the LLC ;

- Protocol on the approval of the increase in the authorized capital (for registration) ;

- Protocol on the approval of the increase in the authorized capital due to the entry of a new participant (for registration) ;

- Protocol on the increase of the authorized capital due to the entry of a new participant ;

- Protocol on the change of the director of the limited liability company ;

- Protocol on the granting of powers to increase the authorized capital due to the entry of a new participant ;

- Protocol on the creation of a limited liability company .


Date of publication: 07.07.2024

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