We invite you to the webinar "Maintaining a register of counterparties. The importance and features of compliance management in business"

Webinar "Maintaining a register of counterparties. Importance and features of compliance management in business"

📅 Date: June 06, 2024

🕒 Time: 15:00 - 16:00

🌐 Platform: Zoom

In today's business environment, effective management of counterparties is a key element of a company's success. The lack of an organized registry of counterparties can lead to significant problems, such as errors in documents, delays in deals and misunderstandings with partners. This webinar is designed to help build, optimize, and maintain a high-quality counterparty registry.

Topics to be discussed:

- Acquaintance with the basic principles of keeping a register of counterparties.

- Recommendations for storing and updating data.

- Rules for compliance with the confidentiality and security of counterparty data.

- The importance of keeping a register of counterparties.

- Data to be collected in the registry.

- Rules for compliance with the confidentiality and security of counterparty data.

- Tools for keeping a register of counterparties.

- Errors that may occur and how to avoid them.

- Why is it important to keep a register of counterparties.

- Legislative basis: the Tax Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection".

- Business efficiency.

- The importance of storing and updating counterparty data for effective operations with them.

- Quick access to information about the counterparty.

- Identification of the counterparty.

- Monitoring of financial transactions. What data must be collected and stored in the register of counterparties?

- Conscientiousness of the counterparty when paying taxes




About the speaker:

Denis Olehovych Ferenchuk , senior lawyer of InstaDoc company with ten years of experience in the field of economic, civil and administrative law.



Join our webinar to organize your register of counterparties and improve the efficiency of business relationship management. Register using the link below and join our online community of experts in the field of legal practices!



Date of publication: 03.06.2024

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