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Fixed-term employment contract (for the absence of the main employee), (english), universal

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specify the place of conclusion of the contract date of the contract, (напр.:31 December 2021)📆


Повне найменування (Eng.)  in person Посада представника (Eng.)  ПІБ представника (Eng.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), which acts on the basis of Підстава діяльності представника (Eng.) , on the one hand, and a citizen  ПІБ повністю (Eng.) —  (hereinafter - the "Employee"), on the other hand, entered into this Fixed-term employment contract (hereinafter - the "Agreement") on the following:

IE ПІБ ФОП (Eng.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), on the one hand, and the citizen ПІБ повністю (Eng.) — (hereinafter - the "Employee"), on the other hand, entered into this Fixed-term employment contract (hereinafter - the "Agreement") on the following:

1. Subject of the Agreement, Term, General Requirements, and Definitions

1.2. The Employee is obligated to independently perform the work assigned to them in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, adhere to the Internal Labor Rules, while the Employer is obligated to pay the salary and provide the working conditions necessary for the Employee to fulfill their job duties.

1.3. This Agreement is a fixed-term employment contract. Based on this Agreement, labor relations arise between the Employee and the Employer.

1.4. The Employee undertakes to personally perform the work assigned to them within the scope of their job duties.

1.5. The Employee is hired for the position of  The name of the position is specified in accordance with the staffing schedule and the Classifier of Professions .

1.6. The employee obeys  The name of the position is specified in accordance with the staffing schedule and the Classifier of Professions .

1.7. This Agreement is concluded for the term of  enter the date of commencement of the employment relationship, (напр.:31.12.2021)📆 and valid until  for example, specify "until the time of return to work of an employee called up for military service, name, position" .

1.8. This Agreement is the basis for the issuance of the Order on hiring the Employee.

1.9. The term "Parties" in this Agreement means the Employer and the Employee.

1. Subject of the Agreement, Term, General Requirements, and Definitions

1.2. The Employee is obligated to independently perform the work assigned to them in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, comply with the Rules of Internal Labor Regulations, and the Employer undertakes to pay wages and provide working conditions necessary for the Employee to fulfill their job responsibilities.

1.3. This Agreement is a fixed-term employment agreement. On the basis of this Agreement, labor relations arise between the Employee and the Employer.

1.4. The Employee undertakes to personally perform the work assigned to them within the scope of their job responsibilities.

1.5. The Employee is hired for the position of  The name of the position is specified in accordance with the staffing schedule and the Classifier of Professions .

1.6. The employee obeys  It is specified to whom the employee will report (for example, to an individual entrepreneur or the head of a structural unit, if applicable, in the genitive case) .

1.7. Цей Договір укладається на термін з зазначте дату початку дії трудових правовідносин, (напр.:31.12.2021)📆 і діє до наприклад, вкажіть "до моменту повернення на роботу призваного на військову службу працівника ПІБ посада" .

1.8. This Agreement is the basis for the issuance of the Order on hiring the Employee.

1.9. The term "Parties" in this Agreement means the Employer and the Employee.

2. Rights and Duties of the Parties

2.1. The Employer is obliged to:

2.1.1. Pay the Employee a salary according to the terms specified in this Agreement, and provide bonuses and rewards to the Employee in accordance with this Agreement, the Regulations on Remuneration, and the Regulations on Bonuses.

2.1.2. Create conditions necessary for the Employee to fulfill their job duties.

2.1.3. Provide the Employee with material and technical resources necessary to perform the work.

2.1.4. Ensure safe and harmless working conditions, and equip the workplace in accordance with the requirements of occupational health and safety regulations and the collective agreement.

2.1.5. Promote the improvement of the Employee's professional and general educational level.

2.1.6. Not transfer the Employee to another job without their consent or application. Consider this Agreement terminated after its expiration.

2.2. The Employer has the right to:

2.2.1. Demand the elimination of any deficiencies committed by the Employee during the performance of their job duties.

2.2.2. Hold the Employee liable for disciplinary and/or material responsibility in case of violation of this Agreement.

2.4. The Employee undertakes to:

2.4.1. Perform the work assigned by this Agreement efficiently and within the specified time frame.

2.4.2. Familiarize themselves with the Internal Work Rules, the job description, and adhere to their provisions in their work.

2.4.3. Treat the Employer’s property carefully, including the property or property rights that are in the Employee’s possession or use.

2.4.4. Personally fulfill the duties provided by the Agreement and the Job Description.

2.4.5. Accurately and timely execute all instructions and orders of the Employer within the scope of the position held.

2.4.6. Adhere to the standards, rules, and conditions that regulate the peculiarities of performing certain types of work while carrying out their job duties.

2.4.7. Inform the Employer of any information related to the Employer’s activities that could positively or negatively affect this activity (including downtime in their work).

2.4.8. Maintain confidentiality regarding the terms of this Agreement, not disclose trade secrets, and the Employer's confidential information.

2.4.9. Travel on business trips when directed.

2.4.10. Receive property and other material assets for reporting from both external organizations and directly from the Employer, in accordance with powers of attorney or other one-time documents.

2.4.11. Notify the Employer in writing of any changes to the data specified in clause 9 of this Agreement no later than 3 working days.

2.5. The Employee has the right to:

2.5.1. Independently make decisions within their competence according to the job duties assigned to them.

2.5.2. Make suggestions for improving both the work they perform and the work of the Employer as a whole, without violating the principles of friendliness and confidentiality.

3. Working time and rest time

3.1. The employee performs work under conditions  indicate full or part-time working hours are set for the employee .

working hours, working day — enter the length of the working day in hours hours. The duration of the working week is specify the length of the working week (in hours) hours.

Working days: specify working days

Start and end time: enter the start and end time of work

Break for rest and food: specify a time for rest and eating

Rest days - specify rest days

3.3. In exceptional cases, the Employer may involve the Employee in:

  • Overtime work in the manner and with compensations provided by the legislation;
  • Work on weekends and public holidays (only in cases established by law), with payment in accordance with the current legislation.

3.4. The employee is granted an annual paid vacation  enter the number of calendar days of annual paid leave (zero ) calendar days per year. The Employee is granted leave in accordance with the vacation schedule and the conditions provided by the current legislation of Ukraine. The provision of other types of leave is carried out under the conditions and in the manner established by the current legislation.

3. Working time and rest time

3.1. The employee performs work under conditions  indicate full or part-time working hours are set for the employee .

working hours, working day — enter the length of the working day in hours hours. The duration of the working week is specify the length of the working week (in hours) hours.

Working days: specify working days

Start and end time: enter the start and end time of work

Break for rest and food: specify a time for rest and eating

Rest days - specify rest days

3.3. In exceptional cases, the Employer may involve the Employee in:

  • Overtime work in the manner and with compensations provided by the legislation;
  • Work on weekends and public holidays (only in cases established by law), with payment in accordance with the current legislation.

3.4. The employee is granted an annual paid vacation  enter the number of calendar days of annual paid leave (zero ) calendar days per year. The Employee is granted leave in accordance with the vacation schedule and the conditions provided by the current legislation of Ukraine. The provision of other types of leave is carried out under the conditions and in the manner established by the current legislation.

3.5 The employee is granted additional paid leave in quantity  enter the number of calendar days of additional paid vacation days calendar days.

4. Conditions of Material Provision and Social Guarantees

4.1. За виконання посадових обов'язків, передбачених у цьому Договорі, працівнику виплачується заробітна плата у розмірі: specify the amount of salary monthly.

4.2. The Employer shall calculate allowances, additional payments, bonuses, and other payments to the Employee in accordance with the provisions of the law, the Regulations on Remuneration, and the Regulations on Bonuses.

4.3. The Employee's salary shall be paid regularly on working days twice a month:

- for the first half of the month - specify the day of salary payment for the first half of the month days, based on the size of the tariff rate (postal salary) of the Employee and the actual time worked in the period from the 1st to the 15th of the month;

- for the second half of the month - specify the day of salary payment for the second half of the month   date of the next month.

If the payday coincides with a weekend, public holiday, or non-working day, the salary shall be paid in advance.

4.4. The Employee is subject to all types of mandatory state insurance in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.

4.5. The salary is paid by transferring funds to the Employee's bank card.

Account details for transferring funds: UAspecify details for payment of wages .

5. Responsibility of the Parties

5.1. In case of non-performance or improper performance of the obligations stipulated by this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable according to the current legislation of Ukraine and this Agreement.

5.2. The Employee shall bear material responsibility and other types of liability for damages caused to the Employer.

5.3. The Employer shall be liable for harm caused to the Employee's health related to the performance of their job duties during the term of this Agreement.

6. Amendments, Termination, and Procedure for the Termination of the Agreement

6.1. Amendments and additions to this Agreement may only be made by mutual consent of the Parties and must be formalized in writing through an additional agreement.

6.2. This Agreement shall terminate in the following cases:

6.2.1. Due to the expiration of the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 2, part 1 of Article 36 of the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.2.2. At the initiative of the Employee based on Article 39 of the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.2.3. At the initiative of the Employer based on Articles 40 and 41 of the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.2.4. For other reasons provided for by the labor legislation of Ukraine.

7. Labor Disputes

7.1. Disputes that may arise regarding the Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties independently or through legal proceedings.

8. Other Terms

8.1. The relations between the Parties that are not provided for by this Agreement shall be regulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.2. This Agreement is executed in 2 (two) copies, each of which has equal legal force and is kept by each of the Parties.

8.3. All appendices and additional agreements to this Agreement must be made in writing and shall be integral parts of this Agreement.

8.4. The Employee undertakes not to disclose the Employer’s trade secrets and not to use them for the benefit of third parties. The Employer’s trade secrets are understood to include technical, organizational, commercial, production, and other information, except for information that, according to the law, cannot be considered a trade secret.

8.5. The Employee agrees to the processing of their personal data by the Employer in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data."

8.6. The Employer undertakes not to transfer the Employee’s personal data, which became known during the execution of this Agreement, to third parties, except in cases where such transfer is made during the submission of various types of reports to state authorities, as required by the legislation of Ukraine.

9. Signatures and Details of the Parties

Employer Employee

Повне найменування (Eng.)

Код компанії

Адреса місцезнаходження (юридична адреса) (Eng.)

Телефон основний

E-mail основний

ПІБ повністю (Eng.)

ІПН Назва документа, що посвідчує особу (Eng.) Серія і номер паспорту/іншого документа, що посвідчує особу Ким виданий паспорт/ін.документ, що посвідчує особу (Eng.) Адреса реєстраціі місця проживання (прописки) (Eng.) Адреса фактичного проживання (Eng.) Номер телефону №1 E-mail основний


________________Посада представника (Eng.) ПІБ представника (Eng.)


____________        ПІБ повністю (Eng.)



9. Signatures and Details of the Parties




Юридична адреса (Eng.) Фактична адреса (Eng.) Телефон основний E-mail основний


ПІБ повністю (Eng.)

ІПН Назва документа, що посвідчує особу (Eng.) Серія і номер паспорту/іншого документа, що посвідчує особу Ким виданий паспорт/ін.документ, що посвідчує особу (Eng.) Адреса реєстраціі місця проживання (прописки) (Eng.) Адреса фактичного проживання (Eng.) Номер телефону №1 E-mail основний

___________________________ПІБ ФОП (Eng.)

__________        ПІБ повністю (Eng.)

Date of update 21.02.2025 о 11:54:18


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This fixed-term contract is used in cases of temporary replacement of an employee who is on maternity leave, military service, long-term sick leave, etc. 


1. Subject of the Agreement, Term, General Requirements, and Definitions

2. Rights and Duties of the Parties

3. Working time and rest time

4. Conditions of Material Provision and Social Guarantees

5. Responsibility of the Parties

6. Amendments, Termination, and Procedure for the Termination of the Agreement

7. Labor Disputes

8. Other Terms

9. Signatures and Details of the Parties

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