Advocate Kranokutska Natalia

Attorney Natalya Krasnokutska

I have been working as a lawyer since 2003, since 2009 I have been a practicing lawyer.


My specializations:

Judicial representation


Legal support of business


Blog about training lawyers⬇️







  1. Statement on statement of requirements to the debtor in the bankruptcy procedure

  2. Application for invalidation of the debtor's deed (in the bankruptcy procedure, application from the creditor)

  3. Petition to terminate the powers of the debtor's manager (from the creditor)

  4. Ownership structure (submission of ultimate beneficiaries)

  5. Application for participation in a court session via video conference outside the court premises (using own technical means, Code of Civil Procedure)

  6. Application for securing a claim under the CAS
  7. Application for the establishment of the fact of death (in the temporarily occupied territory)
  8. Petition to reduce the amount of the plaintiff's expenses for the professional legal assistance of a lawyer, which are subject to distribution between the parties (economic process)
  9. COMPLAINT on the Tax notice-decision  
  10. Notification of the commission of criminal offenses in accordance with Art. 214 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (for property destroyed or destroyed by the Russian Federation)
  11. Dismissal order in connection with liquidation of the enterprise
  12. Application for enforcement of the decision
  13. Request for refund of prepayment amount

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