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Пълномощно за сключване на договори от името на юридическо лице (на английски език, универсално)


POWER OF ATTORNEYpower of attorney number



 place of issue

date of power of attorney, (напр.:31 December 2021)📆



Повне найменування (Eng.) , company code Код компанії , location  Адреса місцезнаходження (юридична адреса) (Eng.) in person Посада представника (Eng.)   ПІБ в род. відмінку (Eng.) , acting on the basis of Підстава діяльності представника (Eng.) , (hereinafter referred to as the Principal) in accordance with the previous oral agreement authorizes with this power of attorney:

ПІБ повністю (Eng.)  citizen of  Громадянство (Eng.)   (hereinafter referred to as the Representative), Назва документа, що посвідчує особу (Eng.)  Серія і номер паспорту/іншого документа, що посвідчує особу , issuedКим виданий паспорт/ін.документ, що посвідчує особу (Eng.) ,Коли виданий паспорт/ін.докумунт, що посвідчує особу , tax number Інд. податковий номeр , registered at: Адреса реєстраціі місця проживання (прописки) (Eng.) ,

to represent the interests of the Principal in all state authorities and local government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of their form of ownership, notarial bodies, including before individuals.

For this purpose, the Representative is authorized, on behalf of and in the interests of the Principal, to:

Conclude any contracts, including contracts of agency, commission, lease, transportation, loan, borrowing, storage, sale and purchase, exchange, subcontracting, services, and insurance; perform the necessary actions for the conclusion of such contracts required by the Principal for conducting business activities;

Sign documents on behalf of the Principal in execution of this power of attorney; submit documents, applications, explanations, and objections; make payments; receive funds, documents, extracts, statements, certificates, conclusions, decisions, acts, protocols, permits, certificates, and other documents required by the Principal for conducting business activities.

The Representative has the right on behalf of the Principal and in his interests:

conclude  The Agreement for which authority is granted (specify the name of the agreement, the party with whom the agreement is to be concluded, and the main terms (amount, execution period, etc.)) ;

to execute this power of attorney, to sign for the Principal on the above-mentioned contract;

to submit documents, applications, explanations, and objections; make payments; receive funds, documents, extracts, statements, certificates, conclusions, decisions, acts, protocols, permits, certificates, and other documents necessary for the Principal to conduct business activities.

to determine other terms of the specified agreement at their own discretion.

to perform other actions, sign, and receive other documents necessary for the execution of this power of attorney.

The power of attorney is issued with the right of substitution for a term of Validity of the power of attorney .

The power of attorney is issued without the right of substitution for a term of   Validity of the power of attorney .




Посада представника (Eng.)    ______________________   ПІБ в род. відмінку (Eng.)

Дата на актуализация 12.12.2024 о 12:45:30


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