Дата, (напр.:31 December 2021)📆
for Employment of Non-national Experts & Consultants
This contract is between
Повне найменування (Eng.)
Represented by: ПІБ представника (Eng.)
, in his capacity as Посада представника (Eng.)
(hereinafter referred to as the First Party).
ПІБ повністю (Eng.)
Nationality: Громадянство (Eng.)
,Назва документа, що посвідчує особу (Eng.)
, Серія і номер паспорту/іншого документа, що посвідчує особу
Resident Identity Card: номер
, issued Issued date, (напр.:31.12.2021)📆
, expiry date on Expire date, (напр.:31.12.2021)📆
Address UAE: Адреса фактичного проживання (Eng.)
Out of UAE: Адреса реєстраціі місця проживання (прописки) (Eng.)
Tel.: Номер телефону №1
E-mail: E-mail основний
Job: Lawyer
(hereinafter referred to as the Second Party).
The two parties agreed on the following:
Article I: Contract Period
The Contract enters into force from the moment of signing and is valid until Дата, (напр.:31 December 2021)📆
(including). The term of this Contract shall be extended for each subsequent (one) year, unless one of the Parties notifies the other Party in writing of its intention to terminate this Contract no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior to the expiration date of the current term of this Agreement.
Article 2: Consolidated Salary
The Second Party shall be entitled to:
A monthly consolidated salary of 0,00
AED (zero
AED), which does not includes bonuses, allowances and benefits which may occur during Contract duration.
Accommodation with utilities, as per applicable rules.
Reimbursement of taxi costs for city business trips.
However, the Second Party is not entitled to claim any of the employee allowances, remunerations, financial or in-kind benefits mandated by any laws, regulations or resolutions in force or to be issued thereafter.
Article 3: Duties and prohibitions
The Second Party undertakes to carry out her duties and refrain from the prohibited acts stipulated in the Federal Law by Decree No 11 of 2008 concerning human resources in the Federal Government, as amended, the Executive Regulations thereof, and the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document for Civil Service. The Second Party shall also maintain confidentiality and non-disclosure of any information and other relevant laws or regulations applicable to the work.
Article 4: Leaves
The Second Party shall be entitled to the following leaves:
1) Paid annual leave up to 22 working days
2) Unpaid leave for five working days maximum.
3) Sick leave for seven continuous or separate working days
4) Mourning leave as per conditions set forth in the Executive Regulations
5) Maternity Leave for 45 working days
6) Public holidays as stipulated in Article 100/5 of the Executive Regulations.
Article 5: Tasks & Responsibilities
The Second Party undertakes to perform the tasks and assignments specified by the First Party related to the assistance for the business of the First party. Such tasks and assignments may be modified or changed by the First Party, provided the same or any other tasks assigned by the First Party shall be completed according to the time frame agreed upon.
Article 6: Periodic Reports
The Second Party shall submit periodic reports to the department concerned regarding the business completed by her or under her supervision, stating any difficulties encountered and recommendations and solutions needed to overcome such difficulties.
Article 7: Notice Period
The First Party may revoke this contract before its expiry date at any time provided that the Second Party shall be notified in writing one month prior to the date set for revocation. The Second Party may also request termination of the contract by notifying the First Party in writing one month before termination date. The resignation shall be accepted unless the First Party takes the appropriate decision on the same and notifies the Second Party within 15 days of submitting the resignation. The Second Party shall continue to perform the duties until the end of notice period, which may be shortened by the First Party as work exigency may require.
Article 8: Reasons of Termination
The reasons of service termination stipulated in the Human Resource Law in the Federal Government and Executive Regulations thereof, shall apply to the Second Party.
Article 9: The Entire Agreement
Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the Human Resource Law in the Federal Government and Executive Regulations thereof, shall apply.
Article 10: Competent Courts
All disputes arising from the implementation of this contract shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts of United Arab Emirates.
Article 11: Language Governing the Contract
This contract has been issued in two originals, in English.
First Party
Second Party
Повне найменування (Eng.)
ПІБ повністю (Eng.)
Посада представника (Eng.)
ПІБ представника (Eng.)
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