WHEREAS, First Party and Second Party entered into a Назва, № та дата трудового договору
(the “Contract”), pursuant to which встановлені положенняї та умови трудових правовідносин
pursuant to the terms and conditions and as more fully set forth in the Contract.
WHEREAS, the Parties desire to terminate the Contract pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the undertakings of the Parties as set forth in this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
Termination of the Contract. The Parties mutually agree that Contract shall be terminated effective Termination Date, (напр.:May 1, 2021)📆
(the "Termination Date"). Upon the Termination Date, the Contract shall have no further force or effect.
Consideration. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that it has already received all payments and amounts owed from the other Party under the Contract and that no additional consideration of any kind is due from the other Party with respect to the Contract.
No Admission of Liability. First Party and Second Party expressly agree and acknowledge that their entering into this Agreement shall not be construed in any manner as an admission of any liability, obligation, or wrongdoing on the part of either Party. Each Party expressly denies any and all liability or wronging with respect to the Contract.
Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Назва країни
. Both Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any such court.
Counterparts. This Agreement may be entered into in any number of counterparts and by the Parties to it on separate counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall be an original, but all the counterparts together shall constitute one and the same document. Any signature delivered by electronic mail shall be deemed for all purposes as being good and valid execution and delivery of this Agreement by that Party. The delivery of the signed Agreement or counterparts by electronic mail in the “portable document format (“.pdf”) shall be as effective as signing and delivering the Agreement or counterpart in person.
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